Quick Call

Quick call to see if working together makes sense. No slick sales pitch. No obligation. Just conversation.

Initial Meeting

We will use our time together to: • Discuss any immediate questions you may have. • Learn more about you and your goals • Review how I work with my clients. • Discuss how we can work together moving forward. This time is yours to ask any pressing questions you may have and for us to decide if working together is a good fit. I look forward to our conversation.

Values and Goals Meeting

This meeting is all about you and what drives the decisions you make. We'll discuss what's most important to you and how these things shape the decisions you make. Here's what we'll talk about during our meeting... • Address any immediate questions you may have. • Discuss your short-, intermediate-, and long-term goals. • Define your Core Values - What's important to you and why? • Determine our next steps. Most advisers stop at goal planning. At NewLeaf we also want to understand what is driving the goals you have.

Recommendations Collaborative

Prior to this meeting, we will retire to our nerdery and develop our recommendations. This meeting is a 60-minute workshop where we discuss the opportunities in your situation, define our course of actions, and identify our next steps.